Contact Info
(727) 946-2068
405 2nd Street S., Suite A, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 3 pm, By Appointment Only
(727) 946-2068
405 2nd Street S., Suite A, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 3 pm, By Appointment Only
It’s time to take a journey into deep waters, a ride along the emotional tides of the sacral chakra. This citrus orange chakra contains the elements of sensation, feeling, emotion, intuition, instinct, pleasure, desire, movement, change, vitality and sexuality. Transmutation and growth are a constant and desired soul-based phenomenon. These natural events are always pushing us toward what makes us feel alive and the sacral chakra energy is there to nudge us along the way.
Foremost the sacral center encompasses instinct, feelings and emotions. Feelings are an instinctual response to your senses: sight, taste, sound, touch and smell. Depending on how any external sensation, experience or stimuli makes you feel, it elicits an emotional response. Feelings are very important in that they allow you to navigate your world and reality. Intuition, the sixth sense, is strongly tied to how you feel, not what you think, it’s an instinctual “knowingness.” When you come in contact with an experience and interpret that experience with any of your senses including your six sense, your response to that external stimuli elicits a feeling which in turn cultivates an emotion. By tapping into whether or not something makes you feel good, helps you make decisions about how to move forward and navigate the different choices that present themselves in your life. If you don’t feel good about a particular stimulus or expand into it, that is your intuition telling you that it is probably not the best choice for you. If you feel expansive and joyful about moving toward an event or a person, it is probably going to be life enhancing for you. Think of your feelings as your personal life GPS. Feelings also allow you to look at all aspects of your personality: light as well as dark. It is only by allowing yourself to feel all your emotions, darkness in addition to light, that you get a complete picture of yourself and what makes you tick. The sacral chakra is about your emotional identity–your emotional self; it offers an extraordinary pathway into your unconscious mind. You can obtain important information about your well-being thru your senses, feelings and emotions and without them, you can become numb and disconnected. If you deny the essence of the sacral chakra which is your emotional self, your intuition, well-being, creativity and health will suffer. Choosing to experience your emotions and then releasing them is different than deciding to take up residence there. With maturity, you can cultivate emotional balance –expressing emotions without being consumed, overloaded or paralyzed by them. Truly, how can you know what you want, if you don’t know how you feel? How do you feel about what you are choosing? Does it make you feel as though you are expanding or contracting? In knowing how important feelings are to creating your desired life, it’s unfortunate that society downplays the essential need for them opting instead for the intellect. In today’s society emotions are not glorified in the same way that hard work is. We often neglect our need for passion and pleasure as we get older and swap it for society’s “hard work– no play” mentality. Denial of pleasure is seen as a responsible attribute.
After you’ve created stable grounding, your physical container, through the earth element of the root chakra, it time to start filling that solid container with the water element of the sacral chakra. Water is liquid movement. It’s only through movement and change that you can transform yourself and progress toward your pleasures and desires, creating self-fulfilled autonomy. Again, it’s only through feeling that you can know your deepest pleasures and desires. Biologically we always want to move toward our desires and what turns us on. Change and growth are ever present conditions of the human experience; without change and growth, we become stagnant and lifeless. You came here to experience the adventure of this earth walk and you cannot do that by standing in one place or from a safe harbor. “A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” It’s time to let go and flow. Only through movement can we make contact with new experiences and new people. New experiences bring an excitement to life, the excitement of creation. Just as the universe is ever expanding and ever creating, it is the macrocosm to the microcosm of a human life and your sacral chakra.
The sacral chakra is a very powerful and important chakra because its vitality is significantly related to a person’s overall life force and health. Your immune system is in the first two chakras, the Root and the Sacral. Therefore, sacral chakra health is a keystone of a person’s overall physical health. This orange dynamite is the center of sexuality (quality and quantity) as well as power and vitality.
The sacral chakra seems to be predominantly referred as the sexual chakra. It has other important qualities but this is a good one. The front aspect of the sacral chakra is related to the quality of love and intimacy for another person that a person is able to have. When it is open, the person is able to give and receive sexual and physical pleasure. The rear aspect, the will center, of the sacral chakra is related to the quantity of sexual pleasure of a person. If it is open a person feels their sexual power. An orgasm bathes the body in life force; it revitalizes and cleanses the body with an energy bath that rids it of clogged energy, waste products and deep tension. Intimacy also provides nourishment, a physiological nourishment, that comes from communion and contact with another’s body. The front and rear aspects of the sacral chakra meet at the heart of the chakra, in the spine. Intercourse is not only a physical pleasure; it is mental and spiritual pleasure as well. It is deeply spiritual in that it allows for the letting go of ego and the idea of separateness in order to experience unity and oneness. It primordial in its need to reproduce and in that spark of creation, lies a yearning to be close to the divine. The use of the Kundalini energy and tantric tradition can also support the second chakra. The sacral chakra reverberates the need for quality touch ( heart/pleasure connection) , to be creative and to biologically expand into pleasure.
I believe that a woman’s intuition and power center are in her sacral chakra. All of life comes through to this earth through women’s uteruses; birth is highly supreme, innate and instinctual. Woman have a pelvic pulse and if you become quite, meditate and tap in, you can feel it. When you are making good decisions or moving toward your inherent desires, yearnings and creating the most successful life for you, this pulse will grow stronger. If however you are ignoring your feelings, numbing yourself, making wrong choices or remaining lukewarm or half-hearted about your life, this pulse will grow weaker. “Your desire is your turn on. It is a compass literally telling you if you are moving in the right direction– moving into the “Big Yes” … life enhancing… turn on “yes.” Biologically we are meant to expand into pleasure or we shut down into contraction,” – Saida E. Desilets, Emergence of the Sensual Woman, PH.D
Feelings show you your life lessons as well as your life blessings.
Sacral Chakra Element: Water/Polarity
The Sacral Chakra Color: Orange
The Sacral Chakra Identity: Emotional Identity and Self Gratification
The Sacral Chakra Right: “The right to feel”
The Sacral Chakra Demon: Guilt
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana (Sweetness)
Signs that Sacral Chakra is in Balance:
Signs that Sacral Chakra is blocked:
Some suggestions to help Balance your Sacral Chakra:
I hope you enjoyed and learned something new about your human energy field by reading my blog on the Sacral Chakra. Can’t wait to get the next one in line out: Solar Plexus Chakra. It’s coming soon so, please keep an eye out for it. With Love, Kim
The first step towards true enlightenment is to lighten up on yourself.
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Pure Bodywork Therapies is a massage practice that incorporates other healing modalities to enhance your health and well-being.
405 2nd Street S., Suite A, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 3 pm, by appointment only