Reiki is a natural, non-invasive and safe Japanese technique
Used to promote healing, improve health and enhance quality of life. Reiki healing energy provides a means to balance the human energy fields (Auras) and energy centers (Chakras) to create conditions needed for the body’s healing systems to function.
There are seven major Chakras, or energy disks, which hold information that resides deep within the body. Chakras act as receptors, assimilators and transmitters for our thoughts, emotions, actions and experiences. They’re the energetic doorways of the body. In addition, the seven chakras are directly linked to the seven major glands of the endocrine system. The chakras, therefore, are the direct link between thoughts/emotions and their effect on our biology. If a Chakra becomes contracted due to life events, emotions and thoughts then vital life energy (chi) cannot flow through it unimpeded. Chakra Balancing brings balance, harmony and clarity to the chakras.
Reiki practitioners transmit energy by light touch, placing their hands gently in specific positions on the body, assisting the client to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Benefits of this type of treatment may include: feeling a sense of well-being and peace of mind, induce a deep state of relaxation, relieve pain, decreases blood pressure and other tension related disorders, stress release, reduced anxiety, increased mental awareness, clarity, a deeper connection to Spirit and innate Inner Wisdom, energizes the body and restores vitality as well as overall balance (which may improve anything from career to inter-personal relationships).