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(727) 946-2068
405 2nd Street S., Suite A, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 3 pm, By Appointment Only
(727) 946-2068
405 2nd Street S., Suite A, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 3 pm, By Appointment Only
The chakra system which is rooted in India and referenced in the Indian Medicine System of Ayurveda and yogic practices has become popular in the Western world over the last few decades. It has become popular in treating physical ailments, emotional disturbances, mental distress as well spiritual evolution and understanding. In fact, many are using chakra balancing in place of traditional psychotherapy. The word chakra means “spinning disk” and these disks spin clockwise from the energy field into our physical bodies. At the spinal column (spinal cord), the front and rear aspects of each chakra meet; the front aspect of the chakra correlates with emotion and the rear aspect to will. The clockwise spin allows the uptake of energy from the Universal Energy Field to power our Human Energy Field. If there is a block and a chakra is spinning counter clockwise then we are sending energy out into the Universal Energy Field from our Human Energy Field and thus depleting ourselves.
Although there may be other chakras that we are unaware of, it is generally and widely accepted that we have seven major chakras and 21 minor ones. The seven major chakras are: (from the base of spine to the crown of the head) The Root, The Sacral, The Solar Plexus, The Heart, The Throat, The Third Eye (Brow) and The Crown. The bottom three ( Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus) are considered the earthly chakras, the top three (Throat, Brow, Crown) are considered the more heavenly (spiritual) or symbolic chakras and the heart is the master filter or gateway for energy travelling from heaven to earth and vice versa, up and down the chakra highway. Every form of energy ( thought, deed, emotion) must be cleared by the heart when travelling to the earth or upon leaving earth and becoming heaven bound.
I will eventually cover all of these separately but in this piece, I will cover the most earth chakra of all : The Root Chakra. The Root chakra is your connection to earth. It is located at the base of the spine at the coccyx. It associated with the spinal column, rectum, legs, bones, feet, kidneys and immune system. In the endocrine system, it is connected to your adrenal glands. The root chakra says, “I have a right to be here.”
The Root chakra is very important chakra for if it is improperly functioning , we will have a hard time staying on the earth and difficulties manifesting our physical desires and dreams. The root chakra is the foundation of material stability. All creative ideas, desires and dreams develop higher in the upper chakras and that energy must come thru the lower earthly chakras and lastly the root chakra before they manifest into physical form on earth. If the root is not functioning properly, the time between manifesting your thoughts into tangible reality can be a really long time, if at all. Conversely, we must also have our roots firmly anchored to the earth and our basic needs met in order to free our minds to be more creative and to let our branches reach for the heavens.
Great blog resource.
The root chakra starts with your tribal family. It relates to how safe your soul felt coming into the earth plane via your parents. If the child feels welcomed and loved, the root chakra will remain open because they feel that the earth and their immediate family are safe. If, however, as a soul you don’t feel that the family you’re coming into for your earth-walk is safe, you’re going to be reluctant to fully incarnate and avoid growing the proper roots from your root chakra in order to anchor yourself here. As a soul and an infant, you’ll have trouble grounding yourself here and struggle between both worlds. I often work with adults that have grounding issues that stem from childhood. And presently with the overall environment of the world, grounding can be quite a challenge considering we are all riding the turbulent waves of both worldly and personal periods of accelerated growth. It is a pivotal point of time for the elevation of earth and its inhabitants . How grounded are you? Some questions to ask are: do I feel safe here? Have I ever felt safe here? Do I feel like I belong here? Do I have a strong will to live?
Your connection to your tribal family is directly related to your physical identity. We can identify ourselves by our family’s physical characteristics or social status, the geographical area into which we were born or lived, history of our linage, namesake and etc. We are energetically designed to live together, to create together, to learn together, to be together and to need one another. We are always exploring this truth. Our root chakra is where we develop and absorb the belief patterns of our parents and our ancestors, whether they are still valid or not. Generational energy is another aspect of our root chakras. Are there any inherited beliefs that need to be exorcised that no longer serve you and who’ve you become?
Our Root chakras are also about survival and self preservation. Our basic needs of air, food, shelter, water, warmth and sleep are imbedded in our root chakra. We need these very things to navigate the third dimension. Our physical embodiment by way of biological and physiological processes needs these basic elements of survival to stay here. The Root Chakra is the body and the body is the vehicle by which you experience aliveness.
The bottom two chakras, the Root and Sacral Chakra, make up our immune systems. Symbolically the immune system does for the physical body exactly what tribal power does for us: protects the entire body from potentially damaging external influences. Difficult tribal challenges weaken the immune system by losing power from the first chakra.
Root Chakra Element: Earth
The Root Chakra Color: Red
The Root Chakra Identity: Physical Identity and Self-Preservation
The Root Chakra Right: “The right to be here.”
The Root Chakra Demon: Fear
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara “Root Support”
Signs that Root Chakra is in balance:
Signs that the Root Chakra is out of balance:
Root blocked:
Some suggestions to help Balance Root chakra:
I hope you enjoyed my blog on the Root Chakra and please look for the Sacral Chakra coming soon. Love and light to all of you. Warmly, Kim
Pure Bodywork Therapies is a massage practice that incorporates other healing modalities to enhance your health and well-being.
405 2nd Street S., Suite A, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 3 pm, by appointment only